Injecting UXPScript Wrapper

Further to my previous post, it turns out the trick I discovered might be useful.

I am still on the warpath, in full ‘discovery’ mode, so it’s perfectly possible that the approach outlined below is moot and there are easier ways to do the same, but I am recording this for future reference nevertheless…

Part of what I do in CRDT_UXP is to handle a lot of stuff in a daemon process (e.g. there is a centralized logger). Sending stuff from UXPScript to the logs is async.

The issue is that the code in CRDT_UXP creates a lot of Promise-s without waiting for them to resolve.

I don’t want to slow down the code and wait for confirmation of, say, a crdtuxp.logNote() call.

So I will call
rather than
await crdtuxp.logNote(...)

Waiting would create an unnecessary game of ping-pong between the UXPScript code and the daemon process.

The problem arises when the UXPScript terminates: the wrapper code in InDesign that calls my script does not wait for any still-pending promises to resolve.

At the time of termination, any ‘loose’ unresolved promises are simply discarded, and my crdtuxp.logNote calls don’t even make it to the daemon.

So, with the trick in my previous post, I could:

1) cast away the async prefix to the wrapper, so the ‘wrapping function’ becomes a bog-standard JavaScript function.

To avoid confusing the calling code, I make this function return a Promise so the calling code needs be none the wiser and can treat the function as if it were an async function.

2) Before opening a new scope and create a new function I can replace the default Promise class with a proxy replacement which adds tracking code for any as-of-yet unresolved promises.

Because I am doing this ‘outside’ the scope of the wrapper function, I can ‘inject’ a new Promise class.

3) At the end of my script, I add

return Promise.all(Promise.pendingPromises());

which is a promise to end all promises.

The call Promise.pendingPromises() is a static method on my proxy Promise class which returns an array of all ‘not-yet-resolved’ promises.

As it turns out, the calling code in InDesign accepts this return value and (I assume) has an await on it.

This way, I can make sure the script fulfils any ‘dangling’ promises before terminating – so all my logging calls make it into the log files before the script terminates.

WARNING: the following code is unfinished ‘work-in-progress’ – don’t copy-paste this into your own project sight unseen!!

For reference, my .idjs script now looks as follows.

// Close off the async wrapper created by the calling context

... stuff ...

const inDesign = require("indesign");
const app =;

// Save the original Promise class
const SystemPromise = global.Promise;


// Define the new Promise class
class Promise {
    constructor(executor) {

        this._state = 'pending';
        this._value = undefined;
        this._id = ++LAST_PROMISE_UNIQUE_ID;

        // Create a new instance of the original Promise
        this._promise = new SystemPromise((resolve, reject) => {
                value => {
                    this._state = 'resolved';
                    this._value = value;
                    if (this._id in PROMISES_PENDING) {
                    	delete PROMISES_PENDING[this._id];
                reason => {
                    this._state = 'rejected';
                    this._value = reason;
                    if (this._id in PROMISES_PENDING) {
                    	delete PROMISES_PENDING[this._id];
        PROMISES_PENDING[this._id] = this;

    // Proxy static methods
	static pendingPromises() {
		let retVal = [];
		for (let id in PROMISES_PENDING) {
		return retVal;
    static resolve(value) {
        return SystemPromise.resolve(value);

    static reject(reason) {
        return SystemPromise.reject(reason);

    static all(promises) {
        return SystemPromise.all(promises);

    static race(promises) {
        return SystemPromise.race(promises);

    // Proxy instance methods
    then(onFulfilled, onRejected) {
        return this._promise.then(onFulfilled, onRejected);

    catch(onRejected) {
        return this._promise.catch(onRejected);

    finally(onFinally) {
        return this._promise.finally(onFinally);
    isPending() {
        return this.state === 'pending';

    isResolved() {
        return this.state === 'resolved';

    isRejected() {
        return this.state === 'rejected';

    getValue() {
        return this.value;

... stuff ...

// Open a new, non-async wrapper to pass back to the calling context. 
// The closing '})' is not in this file - it is instead provided by 
// the calling context.

(function (exports, require, module, __filename, __dirname) {

... the meat of the code ...

// End with a promise which will finalize all pending promises
// so the caller does not exit until all is done

return Promise.all(Promise.pendingPromises());

// No }) here - the calling wrapper provides that!